Step 1: Be Family
Radiant Church is a family, and the best way to be a part of a family is to be with the family. Join us regularly on Sunday mornings as the Radiant family gathers to celebrate Jesus and grow in our faith together.

Step 2: Be Radiant
Every family has a history, vision, and values. Be Radiant is a casual lunch meeting with Pastor Jeremy and other leaders in the church where you will learn about the history, vision, and values of Radiant Church. It's an excellent opportunity to learn what it means to Be Radiant.

Step 3: Join A Group
Jesus set the model for the type of life we are called to live, and then called us to be His disciples - those who live like Him. Becoming like Jesus happens best in a small group. Our discipleship groups are made up of around six people who gather together regularly to read Scripture and then do what it says. You can find a Discipleship group here:

Step 4: Make a Difference
Every person can use their gifts, skills, and abilities to help create a place where others can encounter Jesus in a life-transforming way. Joining a team at Radiant Church is a great way to make a difference in the lives of others by creating a place where they can encounter Jesus. You can get more information about joining a team here.
Plan a First Time Visit
Upon entering, friendly greeters are ready to lead you to our Radiant Kids area, or show you where to get a free cup of Zingerman’s coffee. After the service, Pastor Jeremy would love to meet you by the information center, and answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you soon!